My friend Erebus had invited me to some new place of his ... which when I got there turned out to be an enormous enclosed waterpark. We joked it up (conversation now completely forgotten), and he mentioned I should check things out topside. I stomped up many stairs and reached the surface ... of the ocean! The building was nearly submerged in the middle of the sea, surrounded on all sides by water that sloshed over the lip and ran down the sloped roof into a huge funnel that directed it into the interior of the park.
I was quite stunned, then made my way to check out the sunbathers at the lip of the funnel, more or less keeping dry and taking in the strong ocean sun. I sat down near two girls - one blonde, one brunette - and they scooted over to talk to me. Whatever was said doesn't matter, as the girls were both gorgeous, especially the blonde - dirty blonde hair (tied up), pale skin with a little color, yellow tanktop and bikini bottom. Blondie and I shared a word or two but were so close that I was magnetically drawn in for a kiss. Just the tiniest of kisses, and all the more wonderful for that. We parted and looked in each others' eyes ...
Then I noticed her hard nipples poking through her top, and her friend declared how nice Blondie's breasts were, then pushed her shirt up. I had to agree, they were small, perky and totally perfect. Blondie gave me A Look, and was suddenly even more striking with the sun framing her in a golden glow. Then I was hit again: I had no idea what to do next.
Listening: Combichrist, What the F*ck is Wrong With You People?