Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Blogging, indeed! Ironically I actually got the flu not too long after posting all that schwein stuff, but pounded through final papers and have been keeping busy during these first weeks of summer by building models and generally doing nothing important.

Though I have certainly been watching movies, about a movie every day I suppose. I did the same during winter break, and back then I started keeping track of all the movies I watch (in their entirety, so the three times I've watched 30 minutes of Get Smart don't count). You can see all the flicks over there on the right, in chronological order starting from 12/12/08. Films with an * were seen in the theater. I'll try to keep the list updated - hey, gives me a reason to keep visiting my own blog!

Listening: Mindless Faith, Medication for the Misinformed

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